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Chemical additives play a crucial role in enhancing reaction rates and ensuring that otherwise insoluble deposits are effectively incorporated into cleaning solutions. Paratene™ offers a range of powerful additives, each designed to optimize cleaning performance and improve deposit dissolution.

Our key additives include:

  • Oxidation Agent: Boosts reaction rates for more efficient breakdown of stubborn deposits.
  • Chelation Ingredient: Binds with metal ions to prevent redeposit and enhance the overall cleaning process.
  • Reduction Agent: Facilitates the removal of specific contaminants, improving the effectiveness of other cleaning agents.

These additives can be incorporated into existing Paratene™ blends, enhancing their robustness and making them more versatile for a wide range of industrial cleaning applications. Trust our additives to elevate the performance of your cleaning solutions and achieve superior results.

Paratene™ M301

Paratene™ M301

Ferric Ion Control Agent

Paratene™ M302

Paratene™ M302

Ferric Ion Control Agent

Learn How Paratene's Innovative Chemical Products 
Solve Real Deposition Problems Safely

Our Industry-Leading Chemicals Deliver On Performance More Safely And Sustainably Than Previous Generation