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Vapour-phase degreasing offers a cost-effective and efficient method for cleaning refinery equipment by targeting hazardous deposits in hard-to-reach areas. In this process, cleaning agents are carried as a mist within steam. When the steam contacts cooler metal surfaces, it condenses, applying the degreaser directly to the surface for maximum cleaning efficiency.

This method ensures the effective removal of hazardous materials from vessels, tanks, and towers, rendering them inert and safe for confined space entry. Vapour-phase degreasing is ideal for large-scale industrial applications where safety, thorough cleaning, and operational efficiency are critical.

Paratene™ D740

Paratene™ D740

Vapour-Phase Aqueous Degreaser

Paratene™ D742

Paratene™ D742

Vapour-Phase Micro-Emulsion Degreaser

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