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Paratene™ M310 Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenger – Water Soluble

Paratene™ M310 is a unique hydrogen sulfide scavenger for use in industrial cleaning operations. Paratene™ M310 reacts rapidly with hydrogen sulfide to form water-soluble by-products. Paratene™ M310 is unaffected by CO2 and works efficiently even at low temperatures.

Features and Advantages

-  Fast 
-  Effective 
-  Irreversible 
-  Compatible with common cleaning solutions 


Methods of Application

Paratene™ M310 has a theoretical limit of 1 kg of H2S reacted per 1 – 1.5 kg of product applied. Unlike reactions with alkaline agents, such as caustic or amines, the reaction is irreversible and the H2S cannot be released from the cleaning solution when the pH is neutral or acidic. 

Paratene™ M310 lends itself to a variety of different applications, and may be added by itself in an aqueous solution to remove H2S residue. It may be added in combination with cleaners and degreasers, such as Paratene™ D731 or Paratene™ D740 in caustic or neutral solutions. A typical concentration for Paratene™ M310 in these applications is from 1 – 2%. Some reactions of the Paratene™ M310 with iron sulfides have been observed in laboratory studies. 

Paratene™ M310 can also be used as a scrubbing solution to remove H2S from acid cleaning of sour systems. It can be added directly to the caustic in a typical scrubber or used by itself at concentrations as high as 50%. The benefit of using Paratene™ M310 for this application is the irreversibility of the product. When the caustic is neutralized for disposal there is no possibility of H2S release.

More information can be found on this product's Technical Data Sheet (TDS) and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which are available upon request.

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