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Paratene™ M320 Hydrogen Sulfide Scrubber Solution – Water Soluble

Paratene™ M320 is a blend of alkaline salts and a unique hydrogen sulfide scavenger for use as hydrogen sulfide scrubber solution. Paratene™ M320 reacts rapidly with hydrogen sulfide to form water-soluble by-products. Paratene™ M320 is only partially affected by CO2 and works efficiently even at low temperatures.

Features and Advantages

-  Fast 
-  Effective 
-  Irreversible 
-  Compatible with common cleaning solutions 
-  Reacts with H2S and mercaptans 
-  No objectionable odors 
-  Non-corrosive to most materials 
-  Will not form precipitates with H2S or CO2

Methods of Application

Paratene™ M320 is applied by filling a sealed vessel and sparging the gas stream to be scrubbed through the solution. The ability of the solution to strip the unwanted components is a function of the contact time, temperature, and bubble size. Under high flow rate conditions, the vessel should be arranged so that the path of the gas is bent or distorted by the use of baffles. 

Paratene™ M320 has a theoretical limit of 94.0 g of H2S reacted per liter of product applied. The blend is designed to react irreversibly with the first 50% of the H2S the solution is exposed to. Unlike reactions with alkaline agents, such as caustic or amines, the reaction is irreversible and the H2S cannot be released from the cleaning solution when the pH is neutral or acidic. 

The remaining 50% of the solution capacity allows the Paratene™ M320 to provide a safe buffer range to prevent over-run of irreversible reaction. 

The effectiveness of the solution can be monitored by observing the solution pH. Due to the formulation of Paratene™ M320 once the pH begins to drop it is time to replace the solution, and a pH of 8.5 or below indicates that the solution is spent.

More information can be found on this product's Technical Data Sheet (TDS) and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which are available upon request.

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