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API 100

Paratene™ API 100 High Brine Annular Fluid Inhibitor

Paratene™ API-100 is a blend of inhibitors and oxygen scavengers formulated to prevent corrosion in high brine packer fluids. Paratene™ API-100 can be added into the packer fluid at rates between .5 and 2%.

Features and Advantages

-  Soluble in high brine solutions
-  Inhibits Oxygen Corrosion
-  Scavenges Oxygen
-  Controls aqueous corrosion
-  Freeze Proofed to -40°C

Methods of Application

Paratene™ API-100 is added to the packer fluid liquids at a rate of 5 – 10 liters per cubic meter of liquid. It should be circulated or mixed thoroughly to ensure complete distribution of the inhibitor in the fluid.

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